
By Odile Seng


My God, how beautiful she is when she sleeps. The innocence of an angel. I feel my heart is going to burst with happiness. After six months of marriage, I never get tired of admiring her each morning. I cannot imagine my life without her. I know that now we are three. I feel in her a new life, a little heart beats...when will she tell me?


I open my eyes and he is there, leaning over me. He is waiting patiently for me to wake. His benevolent gaze is so deep…do not leave me. How beautiful he is! I feel so safe when I’m close to him! Today is the anniversary of the first time we met. Three years of happiness. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. He is everything to me. If I lost him, I would die.


"Hello, Catherine, did you sleep well? Today is our anniversary. I have a small gift for you."


“What a lovely rose! It is bright red. Lights of the candles give it a little flicker. It is beautiful, Vincent, and it smells so good! Thank you very much."


She smiles. I can feel her happiness. This is the promise of a life without limits, a wonderful future...


"Vincent, I also have a gift for you: a child, our child!"



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April 12, 2014 Index