There’s lots of fan fiction and art online already - what’s this project about? So much of our fan fiction and artwork remains locked in hard copy format, unavailable to online fans or fans with little access to zines (e.g., fans in Europe, South America, etc.). We’ve had an ongoing, ad hoc process for finding fans whose work is out of print and requesting permission to post their work. We envision formalizing this process so that we can address the matter in a more orderly fashion, pool resources, etc.

Where would these stories or art appear?

We will offer scanned stories and art to already extant BatB fanfic sites such as BBRC, Tunnel Tales, Steam Tunnels, Marina’s webpage, etc., for posting. We hope to "share the wealth" so that individual stories/art would appear only on one site.

How can I help? In many ways!

  1. If you know how to contact any of the fans on the attached list, please use the Contact Sheet on the back of this flyer to send information to us, either via e-mail to JoAnn Baca or via regular mail to JoAnn at 5560 Redland Drive, San Diego, CA 92115.  Or make contact with the fan on your own and inform us of the response. Ideally, we’d like to have a letter or an e-mail from each fan giving permission to post some or all of their work, plus we’d like to know if they have any stories on disk so that they might be posted without being scanned first. And if they do not want their work posted, we’ll keep their letters on file so we won’t bother them again!

  2. If you have published a story or artwork which does not yet appear online, consider allowing us to post it! (See "Permission Slip" below. 5end as above.]

  3. Do you have a scanner and some time to devote to this project, scanning fanfic or artwork? If so, your talents are much needed! The more help we have, the faster we can move forward on this project.

  4. Do you have a large zine collection? If so, you might be able to locate some stories/artwork for us for which permission has been given but no scans made as no one involved in the project has the zine in question.

  5. Do you know a fan who wrote a story which is out of print and not yet online, but whose name does not appear on the list? It’s possible that the fan has already been contacted or someone already has provided contact information for him/her, or the fan has passed away and thus cannot give permission. However, it’s also possible that the fan’s name is not on this list because the zine in which his/her story appears was not in hand when the list was created. So...let us know if we’re missing a name you feel should be on the list, and where their story appeared.

Note: If we get enough volunteers, we might start a mailing list to coordinate efforts, similar to the committees working on the script project and Winterfest Online.

List of writers/artists:


If you are able to give us information on how to contact any of these writers or artists, or if you could act as a go-between for us, we’d appreciate it! We realize that some of these names may be pseudonyms, but we don’t know the actual name of the fan in that instance. Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or home addresses would be most helpful. This is by no means an exhaustive list of fans we'd like to get in touch with, but if we can find many of them, it will be a good start. Please use the attached form to provide contact and other information. THANK YOU!!!!

List Removed for Renovation

Permission Slip:

I have stories/artwork in print (zinc, letterzine, newsletter, etc.) In these specific places ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I have these items on disk or already scanned:


I have copies of these zines in case you need to borrow them:


You have my permission to post my fan fic/art online.

Exceptions: (please note them)____________________________________

Signature _________________________________________________

E-mail or home address_________________________________________

Contact Sheet:

My name______________________________________

My address_____________________________________

My e-mail address______________________________________

My telephone number(s)._______________________________

I know how to contact ______________________________ and will do so for you.

I know how to contact ______________________________ and will provide contact information to you.

Here is a name which should be on your list, and where their story is


Here is contact information for ________________________________________


E-mail address______________________________________________________

Telephone number(s)

Here is contact information for_________________________________________


E-mail address______________________________________________________

Telephone number(s)

Here is contact information for_________________________________________


E-mail address_______________________________________________________

Telephone number(s)